Saturday, December 19, 2015

My New Favorite Rewards App: SHOPKICK!

     Hey kids! 
Did you know you can earn rewards just by walking into a store, or by scanning specific products? Yep! SHOPKICK is a cool app to check out that does just those things. It's free (natch), and you can start earning "Kicks" (their lingo for reward points! cute!) right away. For example, today is their "Super Saturday", and I will be getting 100 "kicks" just by walking into Vons, 150 by walking into CVS, and I could get a whopping 300 kicks just by walking into Macy's! =)  I'm well on my way to my first reward. Hey, Forbes rated shopkick as one of “America’s 100 Most Promising Companies” in 2014....pretty good kudos, I would say! I also say - I do no shopping without rewards! ;D

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